About Job Listing Portal: You will be able to manage job classifieds, automate job publishing, and charge companies for featured ads. There are so many other functionalities.
1. Content Management: Add unlimited job classifieds, manage categories and job types.
2. Paid Job Ads: Charge companies for posting their ads and profit from your job portal! Set custom prices, currency, and PayPal address.
3. Easy Job Search: Our Job Listing Portal comes with a job search script with a multi criteria search. This job portal allows job seekers to filter ads using one or multiple criteria.
4. Job Seeker Accounts: Registered users apply much faster since their CVs are already in their profiles. All applicants’ details are stored in the database.
5. Email Notifications: You can easily create and send custom-made email notifications to users – both job seekers and employers.
6. Employer Accounts: This Job Listing Portal will let each company have their own profile allowing its HR team to manage job ads, review applicants’ details and edit company description.
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